
TOP Ìá¤ë


²ÊÌÜ̾ ôÅö¶µ°÷ ³«¹Ö´ü ñ°Ì¿ô Íú½¤Ç¯ÅÙ
¢£Å¯³ØA (Philosophy A) µÜÉð¡¡Íøʸ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£ÎÑÍý³Ø£Á (Ethics A) ÅçÅÄ¡¡½¤ºî Á°´ü 2 1ǯ¡Á
¢£Ê¸³ØA¡ÊLiterature A¡Ë Áס¡ßÛ¸Þ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£Ê¸³ØB¡ÊLiterature B¡Ë Áס¡ßÛ¸Þ ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£²»³Ú£Á ¡ÊMusic A¡Ë ·§Ã«¡¡¸øÇî Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£²»³Ú£Â ¡ÊMusic B¡Ë ·§Ã«¡¡¸øÇî ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£Èþ½ÑA¡ÊFine Arts A¡Ë º´¡¹ÌÚ¡¡ÀµÇî Á°´ü 2 2,3ǯ
¢£Ë¡³ØA(ÆüËܹñ·ûË¡)[Law A(Japanese Constitution Included)] µÈÀͧµ¬ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ¡Á
¢£¿´Íý³ØA(Introduction of Psychology A) ¸¶ÅÄ¡¡¹ÌÂÀϺ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£ÃÏÍý³ØA¡ÊGeography A) È«»³¡¡µ±Íº ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£·ÐºÑ³Ø£Á¡ÊEconomics £Á¡Ë Ãæ¶Ú¡¡À¯¿Í Á°´ü 2 1ǯ¡Á
¢£·ÐºÑ³Ø£Á¡ÊEconomics £Á¡Ë Ãæ¶Ú¡¡À¯¿Í ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£·ÐºÑ³Ø£Â¡ÊEconomics £Â¡Ë Ãæ¶Ú¡¡À¯¿Í Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó½èÍý(Computer Literacy) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£ÊªÍý³ØA(Physics A) Á°ÅÄ¡¡½ß»Ë ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£²½³Ø£Á¡ÊChemistry A¡Ë ½©»³¡¡¹¨ ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£±þÍÑÀ¸Êª³ØA¡ÊLife Science A¡Ë ¿åÌî¡¡µ®Ç· Á°´ü 2 1ǯ¡Á
¢£±Ñ¸ìA­¡b(English A­¡b) ÃæÅç¡¡ÀµÂÀ Á°´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìA­¡c(English A­¡c) »³ËÜ¡¡µÁ¹À Á°´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìA­¡d(English A­¡d) ¼ÄÅÄ¡¡Íµ Á°´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìA­¢b(English A­¢b) ÃæÅç¡¡ÀµÂÀ ¸å´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìA­¢c(English A­¢c) »³ËÜ¡¡µÁ¹À ¸å´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìA­¢d(English A­¢d) ¼ÄÅÄ¡¡Íµ ¸å´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìB­¡ English B­¡¡ÊTue4¡Ë¡¡ È÷¹ÍÍ󵭺ܤζµ°÷ Á°´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìB­¢ English B­¢¡ÊTue 4¡Ë¡¡ È÷¹ÍÍ󵭺ܤζµ°÷ ¸å´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìC­¡ EnglishC­¡¡ÊTue 2¡Ë¡¡ È÷¹ÍÍ󵭺ܤζµ°÷ Á°´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£±Ñ¸ìC­¢ English C­¢¡ÊTue 2¡Ë È÷¹ÍÍ󵭺ܤζµ°÷ ¸å´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£·ò¹¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥ÄA¡ÊHealth and Sports A¡Ë ÅĻҡ¡¹§¿Î ¸å´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£·ò¹¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥ÄB¡ÊHealth and Sports B¡Ë ÅĻҡ¡¹§¿Î ¸å´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£Ê¸Íý³Ø¡ÊÃÏ°è³Ø¤ò´Þ¤à¡Ë¡ÊBunriology) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï ÄÌǯ 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃ¥¼¥ß¥Ê¡¼¥ëA_a (Basic Seminar A_a) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃ¥¼¥ß¥Ê¡¼¥ëA_b(Basic Seminar A_b) Á°ÅÄ¡¡½ß»Ë Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃ¥¼¥ß¥Ê¡¼¥ë£Â¡Ê¥¯¥é¥¹1¡Ë(Basic Seminar B: class-1) »°¹¥¡¡¿¿Àé Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃ¥¼¥ß¥Ê¡¼¥ë£Â¡Ê¥¯¥é¥¹2¡Ë(Basic Seminar B: class-2) ÃÓÅÄ¡¡Àµ¼ù Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃ¥¼¥ß¥Ê¡¼¥ë£Â¡Ê¥¯¥é¥¹3¡Ë(Basic seminar B: class-3) ²£»³¡¡¸­¼£ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃ¥¼¥ß¥Ê¡¼¥ë£Â¡Ê¥¯¥é¥¹4¡Ë(Basic Seminar B: class-4) º´¡¹ÌÚ¡¡Ï¾¼ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£ÊªÍý³µÏÀ(Introduction to Physics) ¿åÌî¡¡µ®Ç· ¸å´ü 2 3,4ǯ
¢£´ðÁÃÍý¹©³Ø¼Â¸³¡ÊBasic Experiments for Science and Engineering¡Ë ¿åÌî¡¡µ®Ç· Á°´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£Ãκ⡦Íý¹©³ØÎÑÍý ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£ÈùʬÀÑʬ³Ø(Calculus) ¿åÌî¡¡µ®Ç· ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£ÈùʬÀÑʬ³Ø (Calculus) ²ÏÅÄ¡¡½ß¼£ ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£Àþ·ÁÂå¿ô³Ø(Linear Algebra) Èõ¸ý¡¡ÊöÉ× ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥µ¥¤¥¨¥ó¥¹´ðÁà (Basics of Data Science) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥¨¥ó¥¸¥Ë¥¢¥ê¥ó¥°´ðÁà (Basics of Data Engineering) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£AI´ðÁà (Foundations of Artificial Intelligence) = µì¡§¹©¶È¿ô³ØB (Engineering Mathematics B) ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£À¸Ì¿²Ê³Ø¡ÊLife Science¡Ë ̧ÅÄ¡¡¹¯°ì ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£¹©¶È¿ô³Ø(Engineering Mathematics)¡áµì¡§¹©¶È¿ô³Ø£Á(Engineering Mathematics A) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¹©¶È¿ô³Ø±é½¬(Engineering Mathematics Exercises)¡áµì¡§¹©¶È¿ô³Ø£Á±é½¬(Engineering Mathematics A Exercises) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº Á°´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£¹©¶ÈʪÍý³ØA¡ÊEngineering Physics A¡Ë »°¹¥¡¡¿¿Àé ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ¡Á
¢£¹©¶ÈʪÍý³Ø£Â¡ÊEngineering Physics B¡Ë ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 2 2,3ǯ
¢£¥Ï¡¼¥É¥¦¥¨¥¢¹©³Ø­µ¡¡Hardware Engineering­µ ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥Ï¡¼¥É¥¦¥¨¥¢¹©³Ø­¶¡¡Hardware Engineering­¶ ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£Åż§µ¤³Ø(Electromagnetism) ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£Åŵ¤ÅŻҹ©³Ø³µÏÀ(Electrical and Electronic Engineering) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£ÏÀÍý²óÏ©(Logic Circuits) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£ÅŻҲóÏ©¹©³Ø(Electronic Circuits Engineering) ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¿®ÍêÀ­¹©³Ø(Reliability Engineering) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£·×¬¹©³Ø(Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation) ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£ÄÌ¿®¹©³Ø (Telecommunication Engineering) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊóÅÁÁ÷(Electric Information transmission) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£Åŵ¤´ðÁà (Fundamentals of Electric Circuit) ²ÏÅÄ¡¡½ß¼£ Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ߷סÊSystem Design¡Ë ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥×¥í¥°¥é¥ß¥ó¥°ÄÌÏÀ(Introduction to Computer Programming) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£¥Þ¥¤¥¯¥í¥³¥ó¥Ô¥å¡¼¥¿ÄÌÏÀ(Introduction of Microcomputers) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó½èÍý­µ(Information Processing I) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó½èÍý­¶(Information Processing II) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó½èÍý­·(Information Processing III) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥×¥í¥°¥é¥ß¥ó¥°¸À¸ì (Programming Languages) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥×¥í¥°¥é¥ß¥ó¥°±é½¬ (Computer Programming Exercises) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢¹©³Ø­µ(Software Engineering I) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢¹©³Ø­¶(Software Engineering II) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¾ðÊóÍýÏÀ (Information Theory) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥Í¥Ã¥È¥ï¡¼¥¯µ»½ÑI (Network Technologies I) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥Í¥Ã¥È¥ï¡¼¥¯µ»½ÑII (Network Technologies II) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥Ç¡¼¥¿¥Ù¡¼¥¹³µÏÀ(Introduction to Database) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£À©¸æ¹©³Ø­µ(Control Engineering ­µ) ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£À©¸æ¹©³Ø­¶ (Control Engineering­¶¡Ë ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¹©³Ø­µ(Systems Engineering ­µ) ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¹©³ØII¡ÊSystems Engineering II¡Ë ±Û¸å¡¡Ëþ½© ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£²èÁü¾ðÊ󹩳Ø(Image Information Engineering) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À ¸å´ü 2 3,4ǯ
¢£³ÎΨÅý·×³Ø (Probability and Statistics) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï ¸å´ü 2 1,2ǯ
¢£¥·¥ß¥å¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¡ÊSimulation¡Ë ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£·×²è¹©³Ø(Operations Research) ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£µ¡³£¹©³Ø³µÏÀ(Introduction to Mechanical Engineering) Èõ¸ý¡¡ÊöÉ× ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ¡Á
¢£¸÷¾ðÊó¹©³Ø (Optical Information Engineering) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£´ðÁþðÊó½èÍýI (Fundamental Information Processing I) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï Á°´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£´ðÁþðÊó½èÍýII(Fundamental Information Processing II) »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£±þÍѾðÊó¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¹©³ØA(Applied Information Systems Engineering A) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº ¸å´ü 2 1¡Á3ǯ
¢£±þÍѾðÊó¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¹©³ØB¡¡Applied Information Engineering B ºä¸«¡¡·òÆó ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó±þÍѹ©³Ø­¶(Applied Informatics II) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó±þÍѹ©³Ø­·(Applied Informatics III) ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¹©³Ø¼Â¸³I(Information Engineering Systems Experiments I) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº ¸å´ü 1 1ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¹©³Ø¼Â¸³II(Information Engineering Systems Experiments II) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº Á°´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó±þÍѹ©³Ø¼Â¸³A (Applied Informatics Experiments A) ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 1 2ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó±þÍѹ©³Ø¼Â¸³B(Applied Informatics Experiments B) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº Á°´ü 1 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó±þÍѹ©³Ø±é½¬A(Applied Informatics Exercises A) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó±þÍѹ©³Ø±é½¬B(Applied Informatics Exercises B) ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£ÅÅÇÈË¡µ¬ (Radio Law and Regulations) ºä¸«¡¡·òÆó Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£ÌÚºà²Ã¹©£Á¡ÊWood Processing A¡Ë ºÙë¡¡¾»¹° Á°´ü 2 3¡¦4ǯ
¢£ÌÚºà²Ã¹©£Â¡ÊWood Processing B¡Ë ºÙë¡¡¾»¹° ¸å´ü 2 3¡¦4ǯ
¢£ºÏÇݼ½¬¡ÊPlant Cultivation¡Ë ÅÏî´¡¡¿¸Æó ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ¡Á
¢£¿¦¶È»ØƳ£Á¡ÊVocational Guidance A¡Ë ÅÏî´¡¡¿¸Æó Á°´ü 2 3ǯ¡Á
¢£¿¦¶È»ØƳ£Â¡ÊVocational Guidance £Â¡Ë ÅÏî´¡¡¿¸Æó ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ¡Á
¢£¾ðÊ󿦶ÈÏÀ(Career coaching) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó²½¼Ò²ñ¤ÈÎÑÍý(Information Society and Ethics) ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¥á¥«¥È¥í¥Ë¥¯¥¹A (Mechatronics A) ²ÏÅÄ¡¡½ß¼£ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¥á¥«¥È¥í¥Ë¥¯¥¹B (Mechatronics B) ²ÏÅÄ¡¡½ß¼£ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA(Graduation Studies A) ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA¡ÊGraduation Studies A¡Ë ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA(Graduation Studies A) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA¡ÊGraduation Studies A¡Ë »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA(Graduation Studies A) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA¡ÊGraduation Studies A¡Ë ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA¡ÊGraduation Studies A¡Ë ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæA¡ÊGraduation Studies A¡Ë ²ÏÅÄ¡¡½ß¼£ Á°´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB(Graduation Studies B) ¸Åë¡¡¾´¶µ ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB¡ÊGraduation Studies B¡Ë ²Ï¹ç¡¡¹À¹Ô ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB(Graduation Studies B) ¾åÌî¡¡²í¹À ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB¡ÊGraduation Studies B¡Ë »³ËÜ¡¡Í³Ï ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB(Graduation Studies B) °Ëã¡¡½¡Ï ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB¡ÊGraduation Studies B¡Ë ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB¡ÊGraduation Studies B¡Ë ¿¹ËÜ¡¡¼¢Ïº ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£Â´¶È¸¦µæB¡ÊGraduation Studies B¡Ë ²ÏÅÄ¡¡½ß¼£ ¸å´ü 3 4ǯ
¢£¶µ°é¸¶Íý (Principles of Education) Ê¡ËÜ¡¡¾»Ç· Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¶µ¿¦³µÏÀ¡ÊTeaching Profession Outline¡Ë Ê¡ËÜ¡¡¾»Ç· ¸å´ü 2 1ǯ
¢£¶µ°é¼Ò²ñ³Ø (Sociology of education) Ê¡ËÜ¡¡¾»Ç· ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¶µ°é¿´Íý³Ø(Educational Psychology) ¸¶ÅÄ¡¡¹ÌÂÀϺ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ¡Á
¢£ÆÃÊ̻ٱ綵°éÏÀ¡ÊSpecial Education Theory¡Ë »³±Û¡¡ÌÀ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£¶µ°é²ÝÄøÁíÏÀ (General Topic of Curriculum) Ê¡ËÜ¡¡¾»Ç· Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£Æ»ÆÁ¶µ°é (Moral Education) Ê¡ËÜ¡¡¾»Ç· Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£ÆÃÊ̳èÆ°µÚ¤ÓÁí¹çŪ¤Ê³Ø½¬¤Î»þ´Ö¤Î»ØƳˡ¡ÊTeaching Methodology for Generalized Studies and Extracurricular Activities¡Ë º´Î©¡¡ÌÀ Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¹©¶È²Ê¶µ°éË¡­µ ÅÏî´¡¡¿¸Æó Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¹©¶È²Ê¶µ°éË¡­¶ ÅÏî´¡¡¿¸Æó ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£µ»½Ñ²Ê¶µ°éË¡­µ¡ÊIndustrial Art Teaching Methodology­µ¡Ë ´Ý²¬¡¡ÀµÂ§ Á°´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£µ»½Ñ²Ê¶µ°éË¡­¶¡ÊIndustrial Art Teaching Methodology­¶¡Ë ´Ý²¬¡¡ÀµÂ§ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£µ»½Ñ²Ê¶µ°éË¡­·¡ÊIndustrial Art Teaching Methodology­·¡Ë ´Ý²¬¡¡ÀµÂ§ Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£µ»½Ñ²Ê¶µ°éË¡­¸¡ÊIndustrial Art Teaching Methodology­¸¡Ë ´Ý²¬¡¡ÀµÂ§ ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó²Ê¶µ°éË¡­µ¡ÊInformation Technology Teaching Methodology­µ¡Ë Ã漡¡°ÂÀ² Á°´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¾ðÊó²Ê¶µ°éË¡­¶¡ÊInformation Technology Teaching Methodology­¶¡Ë Ã漡¡°ÂÀ² ¸å´ü 2 3ǯ
¢£¶µ°é¤ÎÊýË¡µÚ¤Óµ»½Ñ¡Ê¾ðÊóÄÌ¿®µ»½Ñ¤Î³èÍÑ´Þ¤à¡Ë¡ÊInstructional Design and Technologies¡Ë=µì¡§¶µ°éÊýË¡¡¦µ»½ÑÏÀ¡ÊEducational Method and Information Technology¡Ë ¾®ÎÓ¡¡°êŵ ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ
¢£À¸ÅÌ»ØƳ(¿ÊÏ©»ØƳ¤ò´Þ¤à¡Ë(Guidance in School) Ãæ¶Ú¡¡À¯¿Í Á°´ü 2 2ǯ¡Á
¢£¶µ°éÁêÃÌ¡ÊEducational Counseling¡Ë Ãæ¶Ú¡¡À¯¿Í ¸å´ü 2 2ǯ¡Á
¢£»öÁ°¡¦»ö¸å»ØƳ¡ÊPre/PostGuidance for Teaching Practice¡Ë ÃÓÅÄ¡¡Àµ¼ù Á°´ü 1 4ǯ
¢£¶µ°é¼Â½¬¡ÊÃæ³Ø¹»¶µÍ¡1¼ï¡Ë¡ÊTeaching Practice­¶¡Ë ÃÝËÜ¡¡Øª°ì Á°´ü 2 4ǯ
¢£¶µ°é¼Â½¬¡Ê¹âÅù³Ø¹»¶µÍ¡1¼ï¡Ë¡ÊTeaching Practice­µ¡Ë ÃÝËÜ¡¡Øª°ì Á°´ü 2 4ǯ
¢£¶µ¿¦¼ÂÁ©±é½¬¡ÊSchool Teachers¡¡Practical¡Ë º´Î©¡¡ÌÀ ¸å´ü 2 4ǯ
¢£²ð¸îÅùÂθ³¼Â½¬¡ÊNursing Experiential Practicum¡Ë »³±Û¡¡ÌÀ ¸å´ü 1 2ǯ