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¡Ú²ÊÌÜ̾¡Û    English Expression ­¸

²ÊÌÜÈÖ¹æ11513ôÅö¶µ°÷̾Edward George Waillingñ°Ì1ñ°Ì
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This course is designed to provide students the basic tools they need to write for a variety of purposes, in particular academic and business writing. It will cover essential vocabulary words, grammar, and writing strategies, as well as provide many opportunities for skills practice.
Students will be able to organize information, formulate their thoughts, and express them in clear and coherently written English.
¡Ú1¡ÛCourse Introduction/Review. Student and Teacher Expectations. Course goals. Methods of assessment. Mini student presentations.1) Introduce important class information
2) Explain homework
2) Talk about my summer vacation (handout) and highlight useful expressions
3) student writing time
Read the online syllabus
¡Ú2¡ÛHumor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay1) collect homework
2) The Hint Game
3) Return last-weeks writing and talk about how to describe the senses
4) Students re-draft.
Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú3¡ÛHumor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú4¡ÛHumor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú5¡ÛHumor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú6¡ÛDocumentary and Discussion: \"Supersize Me\"1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú7¡ÛDocumentary and Discussion: \"Supersize Me\"1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú8¡ÛDocumentary and Discussion: \"Supersize Me\"1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú9¡ÛVoting Game1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú10¡ÛVoting Game1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú11¡ÛFinal Essay Presentations1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú12¡ÛFinal Essay Presentations1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú13¡ÛFinal Essay Presentations1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú14¡ÛWord of the Year 20211. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
¡Ú15¡ÛFinal Lesson1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarksRead the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes
Grades are calculated based on the following rubric: Participation 50% Assignment 50%
Teachers materials.
Students will receive written feedback for the submission of a report and verbal feedback after the completion of a speaking test. Feedback will give students practical advice concerning: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and other paralinguistic features.
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