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²ÊÌÜÈÖ¹æ | 11513 | ôÅö¶µ°÷̾ | Edward George Wailling | ñ°Ì | 1ñ°Ì |
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This course is designed to provide students the basic tools they need to write for a variety of purposes, in particular academic and business writing. It will cover essential vocabulary words, grammar, and writing strategies, as well as provide many opportunities for skills practice. |
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Students will be able to organize information, formulate their thoughts, and express them in clear and coherently written English. |
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¡Ú1¡Û | Course Introduction/Review. Student and Teacher Expectations. Course goals. Methods of assessment. Mini student presentations. | 1) Introduce important class information 2) Explain homework 2) Talk about my summer vacation (handout) and highlight useful expressions 3) student writing time | Read the online syllabus |
¡Ú2¡Û | Humor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay | 1) collect homework 2) The Hint Game 3) Return last-weeks writing and talk about how to describe the senses 4) Students re-draft. | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú3¡Û | Humor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú4¡Û | Humor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú5¡Û | Humor and Linguistic analysis: jokes, puns and wordplay | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú6¡Û | Documentary and Discussion: \"Supersize Me\" | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú7¡Û | Documentary and Discussion: \"Supersize Me\" | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú8¡Û | Documentary and Discussion: \"Supersize Me\" | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú9¡Û | Voting Game | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú10¡Û | Voting Game | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú11¡Û | Final Essay Presentations | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú12¡Û | Final Essay Presentations | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú13¡Û | Final Essay Presentations | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú14¡Û | Word of the Year 2021 | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
¡Ú15¡Û | Final Lesson | 1. lecture 2. activity 3. closing remarks | Read the online syllabus and review last lesson\'s notes |
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Grades are calculated based on the following rubric: Participation 50% Assignment 50% |
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Teachers materials. |
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Students will receive written feedback for the submission of a report and verbal feedback after the completion of a speaking test. Feedback will give students practical advice concerning: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and other paralinguistic features. ¥ª¥Õ¥£¥¹¥¢¥ï¡¼¡¡·îÍË4¹Ö»þ¡¢Ãæ±û¸¦µæÅï5³¬¡¢514¹æ¼¼ ¼ÂÃϷи³¡§¤Ê¤· |