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【科目名】    音楽鑑賞B

科目番号85013担当教員名Giuseppe Mariotti単位2単位
科目群専門必修・選択選択開講期後期 対象年次1年
The Music Appreciation Class offers the opportunity to be familiar with different musical styles, different structures and meanings, and to learn new ways of listening to music. New musical instruments like a Prepared Piano are built and played during the class, and a Pipe organ is explored from the inside. Furthermore, the wonders of acoustics are experimented with the student’s own music in several venues. Since many little concerts take place during the class, every student has the opportunity to play in front of an audience and improve the own performing skills.
Students are encouraged to develop the ability to explore diversity in music. The Active Learning techniques used at this class improve creative thinking, innovation, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. The students’ Communications Skills are addressed through their expression of informed opinions, researched ideas, and visual or musical presentations. Every student is motivated to find a better awareness of the own possibilities as performing musician.
Evaluation is obtained trough written assignments and quizzes, and video contributions.
【1】Stage Fright. Practicing the techniques to prevent or reduce performance anxiety.Lecture, exerciseExercise the mindfulness and meditation techniques explained at class.
【2】Acoustics for performers. Elements of acoustics explained, related to the performers on stage.Lectureなし
【3】Practical application of acoustics knowledge in the Music Faculty’s Murasaki Hall. Students play in different locations and evaluate the acoustical results.Lecture, exerciseなし
【4】Concert by students who take part to the Tokushima Music Competition.Exerciseなし
【5】Commentary about the program of the incoming Regular Concert. Listening to a reference performance of the pieces to be performed at the Regular Concert.Lectureなし
【6】The history of the printed score. How music scores were prepared before the computer age. Real antique score are shown to students.Lectureなし
【7】Concert with commentary by Prof. Hayashi Toshiyaki (Cello).Lectureなし
【8】Aleatory Music. Music generated by chance or by the determination of the composer. Students compose pieces using pseudo-Mozart’s and Kirnberger’s Musikalisches Würfelspiel.Lecture, exerciseCompose a Waltz or a Polonaise with dices following the pseudo-Mozart or Kirnberger tables.
【9】The three types of musicians: the static, the ecstatic, the expansive. Students find out which kind of musician they belong. Performance of the little pieces composed with the Musikalisches Würfelspiel system.Lecture, exerciseなし
【10】Concert by students.Exerciseなし
【11】Auditory illusion. The aural equivalent of an optical illusion and how it is used by composers.Lecture, exerciseなし
【12】Concert by students as rehearsal for the examinations.Exerciseなし
【13】Concert by students of Special Course in Murasaki Hall.Lectureなし
【14】Concert by students of Special Course in Murasaki Hall.Lectureなし
【15】Concert by students who take part to the Winter Seminar.Lectureなし
Attendance 50%, Engagement 30%, Assignment quality 20%
Custom-made handouts for the lectures are provided at class beginning, or in advance.
Some aspects of this class may be unusual or surprising. This fact should induce students to explore unusual way of thinking and develop stronger opinions.