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【科目名】    音楽特論

科目番号64943担当教員名Giuseppe Mariotti単位4単位
科目群専門必修・選択選択開講期通年 対象年次1
The purpose of this class is to research two aspect of music performance that are critical to musical excellence: minimizing Stage Fright and developing the optimal strategy for Daily Practice. As source of study only scientific studies are employed. Under the teacher’s guidance students are supposed to research and understand problematics and solutions of both topics. Finally, they expose in clear and easy words their findings and suggestions in an educational video, uploaded to the Music Faculty’s blog.
The objective of the course is to develop the students’ critical and analytical senses, to improve their communication skills and to introduce them to the research of scientific publications about music.
【1】 Course introduction and rules. Introduction and group discussion. 
【2】Organization of Reserch Material and division of tasks. Group discussion and evaluation. 
【3】Project 1: Stage Fright. Overview of the problematics and analysis of the possible solutions.Group discussion and evaluation.Study of scientific material provided by the teacher.
【4】Evaluation of the strategies to reduce Stage Fright. Seek of common points from different strategies. Group discussion and evaluation. Elaboration of scientific material provided by the teacher.
【5】Outline of a simple and clear strategy to cope with Stage Fright.Group discussion and evaluation. Revision of results and elaboration of a script.
【6】Outline of a script for the video with a simple explanation of Stage Fright-reducing strategies. Group discussion and evaluation. Preparation for the video production.
【7】Rehearsal of a educational video with demonstration of techniques that reduce Stage Fright. Group rehearsing. Practice of text recitation for the video.
【8】Recording of the video. Upload to YouTube-Music Faculty blog. Performance in front of the camera. 
【9】Project 2: Daily Practice. Overview of merits and necessities of Daily Practice for a proficient instrument playing.
Division of research material.
Group discussion and evaluation. Study of scientific material provided by the teacher.
【10】Evaluation of the most common Daily Practice mistakes, and review of the most useful practice strategies. Group discussion and evaluation.Elaboration of scientific material provided by the teacher.
【11】Outline of a flowchart that covers different practicing sequences and patterns.Group discussion and evaluation.Test and application of the flowchart.
【12】Review of the feasibility of the flowchart with students of different level. Group discussion and evaluation.Eventual improvement of the flowchart.
【13】Digitalisation of the flowchart for the use with tablet or online browser. Group work at the computer. Testing of the digital flowchart.Preparation for the video production.
【14】Rehearsal of a educational video with demonstration of techniques that improve daily practice.Group rehearsing.Practice of text recitation for the video.
【15】Recording of the video. Upload to YouTube-Music Faculty blog.Performance in front of the camera. 
Grading is based off of attendance, in-class assignments, peer evaluations and group projects. If the student attends class regularly and actively participates in class, they will succeed.
No textbook is needed for this course. The teacher provides the material.
Students should bring their own computer, if they have one.
Participation is very important in this class, and group work is fundamental.