

TOP 戻る

【科目名】    国際社会と日本

科目番号54916担当教員名モートン 常慈単位1単位
科目群専門必修・選択選択開講期前期 対象年次2年
The purpose of this course is to explore cultural values and attitudes of people from around the world, to discover aspects of other cultures, to find out more about Japanese culture, and to provide amble time to talk about culture etc in English. Each week a specific cultural theme will be presented and sometimes videos will be shown. Students are expected to participate in discussions, to ask questions, and to show a geniune interest in learning.
Students will gain a greater understanding of cultures around the world and will be able to explain in English aspects of Japanese culture.
【1】Course Introduction / Lecture/ pair and group activities  
【2】Seasonal Traditions - Part 1Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【3】Seasonal Traditions - Part 2Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【4】Seasonal Traditions - Part 3Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【5】Life-time events - Part 1Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【6】Life-time events - Part 2Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【7】Life-time events - Part 3Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for the test
【8】Mid-term test test 
【9】Daily life - Part 1Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【10】Daily life - Part 2Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【11】Daily life - Part 3Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【12】Society - Part 1Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【13】Society - Part 2Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for next week`s topic
【14】Society - Part 3Lecture/ pair and group activities Homework: prepare for presentations
Class participation, attendance, homework, tests, and a presentation. Active class participation is essential. Do not be absent more than 4 times.
英語対訳で読む日本のしきたり (じっぴコンパクト新書) [ペーパーバック]
出版社: 実業之日本社 (2009/9/29)
ISBN-10: 4408107743
ISBN-13: 978-4408107745
発売日: 2009/9/29
Japanese/English dictionary