

TOP 戻る

【科目名】    英語B

科目番号34790担当教員名モートン 常慈単位2単位
科目群一般必修・選択選択開講期通年 対象年次2年
(授業目的・方針 等)
In this course, students will learn about and examine various topics about Japan and the world. Students, through individual, pair and group work, will be expected to talk about, write about and present about such topics about Japan in English. Successful completion of this course will greatly depend on the degree of active participation and effort of the student.
【1】First class - Introduction to course, getting to know you  
【2】Ways of communicating - spoken language, body language, gestures, signs in the community  
【3】Family Life - rules, chores, responsibilities  
【4】Education - Part 1 - kindergarten to high school  
【5】Education - Part 2 - university  
【6】Housing - how to describe, differences between Japan and Canada  
【7】Midterm Test  
【8】Holidays/ Annual Events  
【9】Festivals / Clothing  
【10】Relationships - dating  
【11】Ceremonies - Marriage, Funerals  
【12】Society - telecommunications / cell phones  
【13】Society - employment, money, bank system  
【14】Society - tourism, famous sites  
【15】Final Exam  
【16】Course Introduction - 2nd semester  
【17】Food - describing food, what are popular and unique foods?  
【18】Cooking - recipes  
【19】Money / Shopping - Part 1 - currency, looking at advertisement/flyers  
【20】Money - Part 2 - budgeting, living costs in other countries  
【21】Employment - how to get a job, part-time work, the company  
【22】Presentations/ Interviews ? on topics between Weeks 16-21  
【23】Travel in Japan - Part 1 - foreigners to Japan, their experiences, their interests  
【24】Travel in Japan - Part 2 - popular sites in Japan, making a travel guidebook  
【25】Traveling Overseas - Part 1 - countries, how to prepare, culture shock  
【26】Traveling Overseas - Part 2 - troubles, rules and customs in other countries  
【27】Teaching Japanese - teaching to foreigners, waseieigo, gairaigo  
【28】Teaching about Japan to foreigners - Part 1 - customs, manners, rules, etiquette  
【29】Teaching about Japan to foreigners - Part 2 - religion, history, culture, literature  
【30】Final Exam  
Attendance, participation, tests, homework assignments,