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【科目名】    English B

科目番号44428担当教員名Greg Naito単位2単位
科目群一般必修・選択選択開講期通年 対象年次2nd year
This class will focus primarily on speaking and listening with some activities involving reading and writing.
【1】Class introduction- Class rules, some introductory activities.  
【2】Textbook: Chapter 1- Please call me Beth.  
【3】Chapter 1 continued.  
【4】Textbook: Chapter 2- How do you spend your day?  
【5】Chapter 2 continued.  
【6】Chapter 1 and 2 Progress check.  
【7】Textbook: Chapter 3- How much is it?  
【8】Chapter 3 continued.  
【9】Midterm exam.  
【10】Textbook: Chapter 4- Do you like rap?  
【11】Chapter 4 continued.  
【12】Chapter 3 and 4 Progress check.  
【13】Textbook: Chapter 5- Tell me about your family.  
【14】Chapter 5 continued.  
【15】Final exam.  
【16】Second term introduction- Review activities.  
【17】Textbook: Chapter 6- How often do you exercise?  
【18】Chapter 6 continued.  
【19】Textbook: Chapter 7- We had a great time!  
【20】Chapter 7 continued.  
【21】Chapter 6 and 7 Progress check.  
【22】Textbook: Chapter 8- What's your neighbourhood like?  
【23】Chapter 8 continued.  
【24】Midterm test  
【25】Textbook: Chapter 9- What does she look like?  
【26】Chapter 9 continued.  
【27】Chapter 8 and 9 Progress check.  
【28】Textbook: Chapter 10- Have you ever ridden a camel?  
【29】Chapter 10 continued.  
【30】Final exam  
Students will be evaluated on the basis of exams (speaking and writing), homework assignments, attendance
and classroom participation.
Interchange-Third edition, Student's book # 1.
Students have different abilities in speaking and listening in English. Though test scores and homework are
important, so is attendance and actively participating in the class activities.