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This course is for nursing students who might need to use English in their future work environment. Two weeks will be spent on each unit in the textbook. Themes include completing application forms, explaining daily routine, identifying hospital objects, giving directions, asking for a patient`s medical history etc. Students are expected to prepare for each class by doing the homework, actively participate during the class, and to review after each class.
At the end of this course, students should have gained confidence and knowledge to be able to express themselves in English on a variety of healthcare related themes.
¡Ú1¡ÛCourse Introduction / Pre-Unit A/BLecture / pair and group work Homework: write a self-introduction
¡Ú2¡ÛPre-Unit C,D,E / About youLecture / pair and group work Homework: Complete Unit 5 "dialogue" and "Check your understanding" questions
¡Ú3¡ÛUnit 5 - Daily RoutineLecture / pair and group work Homework: write about your daily routine
¡Ú4¡ÛUnit 5 - continuedLecture / pair and group work Homework: Complete Unit 3 "dialogue" and "Check your understanding" questions
¡Ú5¡ÛUnit 3 - Parts of the bodyLecture / pair and group work Homework: write about an injury
¡Ú6¡ÛUnit 3 - continuedLecture / pair and group work Homework: Complete Unit 4 "dialogue" and "Check your understanding" questions
¡Ú7¡ÛUnit 4 - IllnessesLecture / pair and group work Homework: write about an illness
¡Ú8¡ÛUnit 4 - continuedLecture / pair and group work Homework: Complete Unit 6 "dialogue" and "Check your understanding" questions
¡Ú9¡ÛUnit 6 - Hospital ObjectsLecture / pair and group work Homework: write about a hospital stay
¡Ú10¡ÛUnit 6 - continuedLecture / pair and group work Homework: Complete Unit 7 "dialogue" and "Check your understanding" questions
¡Ú11¡ÛUnit 7 - Locations of Hospital ObjectsLecture / pair and group work Homework: write about things in a hospital
¡Ú12¡ÛUnit 7 - continuedLecture / pair and group work Homework: Complete Unit 9 "dialogue" and "Check your understanding" questions
¡Ú13¡ÛUnit 9 - Directions (Outside the Hospital)Lecture / pair and group work Homework: write a map and give directions
¡Ú14¡ÛUnit 9 - continuedLecture / pair and group work Homework: prepare for presentation
Scores for attendance, participation, homework, tests, and presentation will make up the final grade.
Vital Signs: Essential English for Healthcare Professionals, Nanundo, ISBN: 978-4-523-17630-5. 2000±ß¡ÜÀÇ