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²ÊÌÜÈÖ¹æ11913ôÅö¶µ°÷̾David Vieryñ°Ì1ñ°Ì
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This course will focus on improving the students ability to describe/ explain more detailed information or situations with the patient.
To improve the students ability to speak more continually and fluently to fellow workers and patients.
¡Ú1¡ÛUnit #3 , ¡È Work Hard, play hard!¡É 1st
Orientation - Introductions by both teacher and students.
Explanation of the outline of the course (Homework, tests, schedules). Handouts
lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú2¡Û Unit #3 ¡ÈWork Hard, play hard!¡É 2nd lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú3¡Û Unit #4, ¡È Somewhere to live¡É 1st lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.

¡Ú4¡Û Unit #4 ¡È Somewhere to live¡É 2nd lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú5¡Û Unit #5, ¡ÈLife¡Çs Up And Down¡Çs¡É (ed and ing) adjectives usage. Pg.(48)lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú6¡ÛSpeecheslecture/pair work/group workpreparation, for speech. Conversation test.
¡Ú7¡Û Unit #7,¡ÉDates to remember¡É 2nd lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú8¡Û Interview test
¡¡preparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú9¡Û Unit #9, ¡ÈCity Living¡É 1st and Review for Mid Term Testlecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú10¡Û ¡ÈMid Term Test¡É¡¡preparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú11¡Û Unit #9, ¡ÈCity Living¡É 2nd lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú12¡Û Unit #11, ¡ÈGoing Far¡É 1st lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú13¡Û Unit #11 ¡ÈGoing Far¡É 2nd lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú14¡Û Speeches lecture/pair work/group workpreparation, review and do homework that is assigned during the lecture.
¡Ú15¡ÛQuestion & Answer Session.
Final Review
¡¡Review of tests, speeches and interviews that were graded during the term. Question & Answer session.(1h)
attendance 10%
participation and attitude 10%
homework 10%
Test 20%
Speeches & interviews 50%
American Headway, Third Edition
OXFORD University Press
Thursday 9am- 1pm

I work at cram schools, pre schools.
