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¡Ú²ÊÌÜ̾¡Û    Oral English­¶

²ÊÌÜÈÖ¹æ11586ôÅö¶µ°÷̾Edward George Waillingñ°Ì1ñ°Ì
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This course aims to promote a greater appreciation and understanding of the English language as well as offering conversational strategies to help students fluently speak English. Students will explore spoken English through a range of activities.
Students will increase their English speaking and listening while learning about different cultures.
¡Ú1¡ÛCourse Introduction/Review. Student and Teacher Expectations. Course goals. Methods of assessmentDemonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú2¡ÛConversation strategies: : thinking wordsDemonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú3¡ÛConversation strategies: : stalling for time wordsDemonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú4¡ÛConversation strategies: : managing conversation (questions)Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú5¡ÛConversation strategies: What to do when you don¡Çt know what to say. Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú6¡ÛFluency tips and tricks 1Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú7¡ÛFluency tips and tricks 2Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú8¡ÛStudent Seminars. Depending on class size, Students have the chance to debate and discuss in English with the teacher one-to-one. Students can also review their midterm participation and essay marker, and receive feedback on how to improve.Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú9¡ÛStudent Seminars. Depending on class size, Students have the chance to debate and discuss in English with the teacher one-to-one. Students can also review their midterm participation and essay marker, and receive feedback on how to improve.Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
¡Ú10¡ÛFluency tips and tricks 3Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkSleeping beauty /Teacher Provided Activity
¡Ú11¡ÛFluency tips and tricks 4Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkSleeping beauty /Teacher Provided Activity
¡Ú12¡ÛFluency tips and tricks 5Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkSleeping beauty /Teacher Provided Activity
¡Ú13¡ÛFluency: Spoken Grammar and Written GrammarDemonstration, Pair work, Group WorkSleeping beauty /Teacher Provided Activity
¡Ú14¡ÛFluency: Spoken Grammar and Written Grammar 2Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkSleeping beauty /Teacher Provided Activity
¡Ú15¡ÛFinal review and assessment Demonstration, Pair work, Group WorkTeacher Provided Activity
Grade is calculated based on the following:
60%: Class Participation
40%: Review lesson assessments

*Students are free to consult teachers about their grades at any time during the semester. *Students can also discuss how to improve their ongoing participation mark during the midterm seminar session.
*Class participation mark is not an attendance mark. Participation assesses students level of effort (i.e. are they taking part in discussion work and are they using English as much as possible) and preparedness for learning (i.e. have they bought studying materials to class and do they have positive learner behavior). The participation grade is not necessarily a measure of English ability but effort and willingness to use English accurately.
*For students who are absent for a prolonged period of time due to extenuating circumstances, their average class participation and homework grade will be used as a final mark.
Students will receive written feedback for the submission of a report and verbal feedback after the completion of a speaking test. Feedback will give students practical advice concerning: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and other paralinguistic features.

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